Private Health Insurance
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Private Health Insurance (PHI)

An increasing number of private health insurance companies (PHIs) recognise the importance of mental well-being and the value of early professional assistance. Sian Lloyd is registered with several major private health insurers as a provider of counselling and psychotherapy services.

If you have private health insurance you may like to check to see if psychotherapy and counselling is covered by your plan. However, there are several things to bear in mind:

The insurer will usually require a letter from your GP or consultant, recommending counselling or psychotherapy for a stated reason

The insurer will only fund treatment conducted by qualified psychologists, counsellors and psychotherapists registered with them

The cost of treatment may be fully or partly met by the insurer, depending on the plan terms

You must take the insurer’s treatment confirmation letter to the first treatment session to ensure that the treatment meets the insurer’s criteria. For example, the number and duration of sessions eligible for funding may be limited.

The insurance company usually requires some evidence of progress (such as a GP opinion) before they will consider funding more sessions.

IMPORTANT: you must contact your insurance company BEFORE deciding where to go for treatment